I am not coming to you to attempt to convert you to the Republican Party. (In fact, I identify myself as a proud Independent and not a Republican.) I am coming to you as a fellow America-Loving citizen!
While perhaps 20 to 30% of you who align themselves with the Democrat Party would also subscribe to the Socialist, Marxist, or Redistributionalist radical leftist views coming out of the President, the Pelosi/Reid Congress, and the Czars – the vast majority of DEMOCRATS find themselves much closer to the center in their core beliefs. This is evidenced by the 9% approval rating that the current Congress is now experiencing!
I understand that you have differences with the Conservatives on social issues. I understand the motivations and ideologies that classical Liberalism adheres to. I am not trying to convert you (at least not now!) from these. I respect your right to hold these positions.
But please make note of the sudden cannibalistic attacks that the far left has launched upon Juan Williams – a classical Liberal like most of you! Because he violated political correctness and bucked the Soros-dictated talking points, he was tossed under the bus! They’re even calling him “un-American” and “mentally ill”!! Do you think they’ll support YOU if you step off their plantation? It is the CONSERVATIVES coming to Williams’ defense and supporting him, DESPITE the fact that they have significant differences with him on policies and philosophies! This is because conservatives recognize and ENCOURAGE open and lively debate in the arena of ideas. Fox News has offered him a CONTRACT to represent his classical Liberal views. (They ARE the fair and balanced network! Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes , Shepherd Smith, Greta Van Susteren, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and others are indisputably left of center, and all have been given voice on Fox.)
In this spirit of debate and dialogue rather than shutting down opposing voices, I ask that you would honestly consider whether those currently seeking office under the banner of the Democratic Party do truly represent YOUR values!! You may be a lifelong Democrat because your parents and grandparents were. You may be a Democrat because you’ve been told that they are the party of the “working man” or of the "little guy" or of minorities. You may be a Democrat because you feel they represent your “don’t judge my values” attitudes. But has the Democrat party DEPARTED from YOU?
Remember that Ronald Reagan was originally a Democrat. When he switched parties, he famously commented that he was not leaving the Democrat Party… but that the party had left HIM. Are you feeling that way now? Are you a Globalist? A Marxist? A Socialist? A redistributionalist? Do you believe that a larger, more centralized government can solve our problems and provide our needs? Do you reject the founders’ strong belief in LIMITED federal government and decentralized LOCAL control? Perhaps those presently in or seeking office under the banner of the Democrat Party no longer reflect YOU!
If you find yourself in this position, please consider supporting the current wave of grassroots common sense conservatism when you step into the voting booth next week!
Believe me, old school GOP-machine operative type “good-ol’-boy” network type Republicans are in the crosshairs of the grassroots as much as the Socialist/Marxists are! ANYONE elected will have their feet held to the fire to represent the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES set forth in our founding documents! Freedom. Liberty. Property. Opportunity. Accountability. Personal Responsibility. Equal OPPORTUNITY to succeed, as opposed to a government enforced Equality of (Lesser) Outcomes! (Winston Churchill once observed, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.")
Does this sound more like YOU than “Redistribution of Wealth”, “Nanny State”, Globalism, Open Borders, and Dictatorial Rule by a centralized elite? Perhaps you might consider, just this once, FIRING your present failing representation and cleaning the Democratic Party’s house, much as was done to the failing GOP representation in 2006!! Think about it! If you LIKE what Pelosi/Reid/Obama are selling – by all means support them. That’s your right. But if you feel they’re pulling the nation in a direction you don’t want us to go… You MUST stop rowing the boat to their drumbeat! Intellectual honesty and personal integrity requires it! DIRECTION DETERMINES DESTINATION! If you don’t want to END UP where they’re leading us – it’s time to CHANGE DIRECTION. “Hard A’Starboard, Mr. Helmsman!! There are rocks dead ahead.”