Having increased our spending levels by 50% in just the last 4 years, what part of that CAN’T be cut? We survived 230 years as a nation without some of the new programs, departments, agencies, and projects that have been newly funded over the last 4 years! ObamaCare is a nightmarish boondoggle which the People have resoundingly rejected! It’s time for Congress to have the cojones to stand up and pass utter, complete, “as-if-it-never-occurred” repeal of that monstrosity!
The President has stated “We can’t cut our way to prosperity.” The reply should be a resounding ”YES WE CAN!” It is our spending and debt that are keeping the engine of our economy from chugging its way to growth!
The Dems have proposed the 14 Amendment as an end-around Congress for Obama to singlehandedly increase our borrowing. But in fact that very text is the rebuttal to the Dem’s “sky is falling” predictions of default if we fail to raise the debt ceiling!
Paragraph 4 of the 14thAmendment states, “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”
Of course the Dems imply that this means we have to borrow to pay all our intended spending!
But what it DOES mean is that it would be unconstitutional for us to not pay the interest on our debt, meaning that the interest would be paid FIRST! Therefore it would be impossible to default! What we would have is a shortfall of revenue to pay all those programs, departments, agencies and projects! Of course, that shortfall would be a Trillion dollars less if we simply rolled back our spending to 2006 levels! WHAT is it that Pelosi/Reid added to our spending that we can’t live without?
The Dems are once again invoking “sky is falling” scare tactics. Much like the rhetoric that resulted in passing a useless and expensive Bailout package back in 2008, and the Stimulus of 2009; the threats of imminent collapse without more borrowing are false. We will see a great stabilization of our economy if congress REFUSES to allow further borrowing and FORCES the government to live within its means. The draconian cuts necessary will NOT hurt the population, but will indeed help them by restoring confidence which will allow the economy to grow, produce jobs, produce taxpayers and increase revenues!
Despite the “MediScare” shrieks of the left… NO GOP PROPOSAL on the table diminishes benefits to current recipients of Medicare or Social Security! And none will affect the future benefits of those 55 and older today. But to NOT address the unsustainability of these programs will insure that a few years down the road there WILL be an insolvency which WILL affect benefits to recipients at that time! We must make the hard choices now to insure viability, or that whole house of cards is sure to collapse in on itself!
Still, the Dems focus on the "revenue" side of the equation. They want to raise taxes, specifically, they want to increase taxes on the rich!
Well, that’ll get some votes from the class warriors amongst their base, but the reality is that raising tax rates does not translate into increased revenues, and in fact, LOWERING tax rates has RAISED tax revenues every time it’s been tried!
Besides that, we simply cannot meet our deficit even if we were to confiscate every single dollar earned by every person earning over $200K annually! See my prior article on that subject: http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-st-louis/the-uncomfortable-truth-we-can-t-soak-the-rich-enough Doing so would not only bankrupt the employers of this nation, creating more unemployed… but would generate only $1 Trillion in additional revenue (ignore the lost revenue from those consequentially unemployed!) while our deficit is 1.7 Trillion – leaving 700 Billion shortfall EVEN THEN!
No, the answer isn’t new taxes. It CERTAINLY isn’t new borrowing. ONLY massive cuts in spending will work! We can start by rolling back the massive spending increases of the Pelosi/Reid legacy
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