There are few opportunities for legislation that holds the prospect of gain for EVERYONE who supports it, regardless of party or ideology – but amazingly, the repeal of ObamaCare offers that very opportunity, if our elected officials would but examine the possibilities!!
First and foremost, the majority of America rejects ObamaCare and supports its repeal. So you’ve got popular support. For the Democrats, that majority thing ought to be a biggie. After all, they’re all about direct democracy, aren’t they? Majority rules, right?
But as I’ve been quick to point out on many occasions, not everything that’s popular is right, and not everything that’s right is popular, so let’s look at some other motivations that might move our members of Congress to action.
Dems should consider that ObamaCare is about to undergo a major review by the Supreme Court. Even with Kagan participating and not (properly) recusing herself from the case – there is a very strong possibility that at least some part of ObamaCare will be struck down – if not in its entirety! This would deal a major blow to the party that rammed it through without a single GOP vote, after arm twisting and bribery by Pelosi, generally UNREAD, which had to be PASSED so we could know what’s in it! Not only was it bad law, passed in an unscrupulous manner against the will of the people, but SCOTUS will also give the slap of unconstitutionality to at least part of it. That stings.
Why not get out in front of this and defuse it by repealing ObamaCare and making a SCOTUS review moot?
And likewise, GOP, what if SCOTUS only finds PART of ObamaCare unconstitutional? Do you want to HAVE to live with any part they find legit enough not to strike down? Are you confident that Kennedy will hang tough with the conservatives on the Court ENOUGH to do away with ObamaCare? What kind of mixed bag of upheld and struck down provisions might we have to contend with?
But hey, Republicans, here’s the BEST reason to move on repeal. YOU PROMISED TO! You were ELECTED to! The whole point of the Mid-Term Elections was to put you in a position to. And you’ve forgotten all about it. That will not sit well come primary season!
Back to the Dems. Since you took the reins of Congress in January 2007, we watched the deficit climb from 120 Billion at the end of GOP control of Congress, to nearly 15 times that amount at 1.7 Trillion. We watched the National debt climb from 6 Trillion after 6 years of Bush and 2 wars to nearly 14 Trillion in 4 years of Pelosi/Reid. So whatever Bush Bashing you may do, and however much you seek to blame Bush and say Obama INHERITED his problems… the American People understand that you are the party of spending with reckless abandon. A reality, and a perception you may do well to strive to reverse!
The Super-Committee is charged with finding a Trillion in cuts over 10 years. A pittance! That’s really only 100 Billion a year… and they can’t do it! If the automatic cuts kick in, the military will be slashed, and lefty ideologues aside (as they represent only around 20% of the population) the people of America DO NOT want to see the military slashed by 500 Billion!
Repealing ObamaCare will save TRILLIONS over a decade. All by itself. Your precious spending programs don’t even have to be touched, and you can claim victory in achieving the spending reduction!
For the GOP, repealing ObamaCare is a victory fiscally, and ideologically, protecting individual rights, reigning in an egregious over-reach by the federal oligarchy.
For all of you. Repeal would result in an economic recovery far exceeding the wildest dreams or expectations of any program or stimulus the Administration has considered, offered or implemented! Companies, freed from the shackles of ObamaCare, would loosen the hiring constraints. Jobs, production, GDP and tax revenues would all climb – and true to Reagan’s quote… a rising tide does indeed lift all boats. And you could all claim credit for stimulating the economy out of the worst “recession” (depression) in our lifetimes at least!
Back to the Dems. Are you REALLY supportive of affordable healthcare for people? Then realize how many companies are ready to ABANDON providing care when ObamaCare is fully implemented!! I know many of you are idealogically committed to Single-Payer healthcare, and such a collapse of the private and employer provided market would leave a vacuum that you’d feel compelled to fill with Government care… but America resoundingly doesn’t want it! Given the choice between the private enterprise Hospitals like Barnes, Mayo, Mt Sinai, or Hopkins, and government care like say, a VA hospital, which do you think most Americans would opt for? Even if they pay for private insurance?
If ObamaCare is SO GOOD for people, why the waivers for so many FOD’s (Friends of Democrats)? And why is Congress exempt?
ObamaCare is a boondoggle. It’s an embarrassment to the Dems and CAUSED the massacre of 2010. It’s impractical. It’s unsustainable. And eliminating it will save TRILLIONS.
Truly. WHAT are y’all waiting for? How about a nice Christmas present THIS year? America said THANK YOU for Pelosi’s Christmas Present of 2009 with the November 2010 elections. Repeal for Christmas 2011 would be a present America would TRULY appreciate!
Copyright © 2011 by Doug Edelman